diff options
8 files changed, 914 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6efd638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+DEST_LUA = $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/lua/5.3/inet
+.PHONY: install build test
+ install -d $(DEST_LUA)
+ install -m644 lua/inet/*.lua $(DEST_LUA)
+ ./test.lua
diff --git a/lua/inet/init.lua b/lua/inet/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62fa4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/inet/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+-- ipv4 / 24 = network
+-- ipv6/56 * 5 = 5 /56 further down
+local bit32 = require 'bit32'
+local inet, inet4, inet6
+inet = {}
+inet.__index = inet
+function inet.new(ip, mask)
+ local ipv6 = string.find(ip, ':', 1, true)
+ if ipv6 then
+ return inet6.new(ip, mask)
+ else
+ return inet4.new(ip, mask)
+ end
+function inet:__len()
+ return self.mask
+local lshift = bit32.lshift
+local rshift = bit32.rshift
+local band = bit32.band
+local replace = bit32.replace
+local bxor = bit32.bxor
+inet4 = {}
+inet4.__index = inet4
+inet4.__len = inet.__len
+local ipv4_parser
+local ipv6_parser
+ local lpeg = require 'lpeg'
+ local C, Ct = lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct
+ local S, R = lpeg.S, lpeg.R
+ local B, Cc = lpeg.B, lpeg.Cc
+ local digit = R('09')
+ do
+ local dot = S('.')
+ local zero = S('0')
+ local octet0 = B(zero) * Cc('0')
+ local octet1 = R('19')
+ local octet2 = R('19') * digit
+ local octet31 = S('1') * digit * digit
+ local octet32 = R('04') * digit
+ local octet325 = S('5') * R('05')
+ local octet3 = octet31 + (S('2') * (octet32 + octet325))
+ local octet = zero^0 * (C(octet3 + octet2 + octet1) + octet0)
+ local ipv4 = octet * dot * octet * dot * octet * dot * octet
+ local mask12 = R('12') * digit
+ local mask3 = S('3') * R('02')
+ local netmask = S('/') * C(mask12 + mask3 + digit)
+ ipv4_parser = ipv4 * (netmask + C('')) * -1
+ end
+ do
+ local function hextonumber(hex) return tonumber(hex, 16) end
+ local hexdigit = R('09') + R('af') + R('AF')
+ local piece = C(hexdigit * (hexdigit^-3)) / hextonumber
+ local col = S(':')
+ local colcol = C(col * col)
+ local picol = piece * col
+ local colpi = col * piece
+ local full = picol * picol * picol * picol * picol * picol * picol * piece
+ local partial = (piece * (colpi^-6))^-1 * colcol * ((picol^-6)*piece)^-1
+ local netmask = S('/') * C((digit^-3)) / tonumber
+ ipv6_parser = Ct(full + partial) * ((netmask + C(''))^-1) * -1
+ end
+local function parse4(ipstr)
+ local o1, o2, o3, o4, mask = ipv4_parser:match(ipstr)
+ if o1 == nil then return nil end
+ local bip = lshift(o1, 24) + lshift(o2, 16) + lshift(o3, 8) + o4
+ return bip, tonumber(mask)
+function inet4.new(ip, mask)
+ local bip, ourmask
+ if type(ip) == 'string' then
+ bip, ourmask = parse4(ip)
+ if bip == nil then
+ return nil
+ end
+ elseif type(ip) == 'number' then
+ bip = ip
+ end
+ if mask then
+ if type(mask) == 'number' and mask >= 0 and mask <= 32 then
+ ourmask = mask
+ else
+ error('invalid mask')
+ end
+ else
+ if not ourmask then
+ ourmask = 32
+ end
+ end
+ return setmetatable({
+ bip = bip,
+ mask = ourmask,
+ }, inet4)
+local function tostr4(self, withmask)
+ -- return human readable
+ local bip, mask = self.bip, self.mask
+ local o1, o2, o3, o4
+ o1 = band(rshift(bip, 24), 0xff)
+ o2 = band(rshift(bip, 16), 0xff)
+ o3 = band(rshift(bip, 8), 0xff)
+ o4 = band(bip, 0xff)
+ if (mask == nil or mask == 32 or withmask == false) and withmask ~= true then
+ return string.format('%d.%d.%d.%d', o1, o2, o3, o4)
+ else
+ return string.format('%d.%d.%d.%d/%d', o1, o2, o3, o4, mask)
+ end
+function inet4:__tostring()
+ return tostr4(self)
+function inet4:ipstring()
+ return tostr4(self, false)
+function inet4:cidrstring()
+ return tostr4(self, true)
+function inet4:__add(n)
+ return inet4.new(self.bip + n, self.mask)
+function inet4:__sub(n)
+ return inet4.new(self.bip - n, self.mask)
+function inet4:__mul(n)
+ local new = self.bip + (n * math.pow(2, 32 - self.mask))
+ return inet4.new(new, self.mask)
+function inet4:__div(n)
+ return inet4.new(self.bip, n)
+function inet4:__pow(n)
+ return inet4.new(self.bip, self.mask + n)
+function inet4:__lt(other)
+ if self.mask <= other.mask then
+ return false
+ end
+ local mask = other.mask
+ local selfnet = replace(self.bip, 0, 0, 32-mask)
+ local othernet = replace(other.bip, 0, 0, 32-mask)
+ return selfnet == othernet
+function inet4:__le(other)
+ if self.mask < other.mask then
+ return false
+ end
+ local mask = other.mask
+ local selfnet = replace(self.bip, 0, 0, 32-mask)
+ local othernet = replace(other.bip, 0, 0, 32-mask)
+ return selfnet == othernet
+function inet4:__eq(other)
+ return self.bip == other.bip and self.mask == other.mask
+function inet4:network()
+ local hostbits = 32 - self.mask
+ return inet4.new(lshift(rshift(self.bip, hostbits), hostbits), self.mask)
+function inet4:netmask()
+ local hostbits = 32 - self.mask
+ return inet4.new(replace(0xffffffff, 0, 0, hostbits), 32)
+function inet4:flip()
+ -- find twin by flipping the last network bit
+ local mask = self.mask
+ if mask == 0 then return nil end
+ local hostbits = 32 - mask
+ local flipbit = 1 << hostbits
+ return inet4.new(self.bip ~ flipbit, mask)
+local function parse6(ipstr)
+ local pcs, netmask = ipv6_parser:match(ipstr)
+ if not pcs then return nil end
+ if #pcs > 8 then return nil, 'too many pieces' end
+ local zero_pieces = 8 - #pcs
+ for i=1,#pcs do
+ if pcs[i] == '::' then
+ pcs[i] = 0
+ for j=1,#pcs-i do
+ pcs[i+j+zero_pieces] = pcs[i+j]
+ end
+ for j=1,zero_pieces do
+ pcs[i+j] = 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if #pcs > 8 then return nil, 'too many pieces' end
+ if netmask == '' then
+ netmask = 128
+ elseif netmask > 128 then
+ return nil, 'invalid netmask'
+ end
+ return pcs, netmask
+inet6 = setmetatable({}, inet)
+inet6.__index = inet6
+inet6.__len = inet.__len
+function inet6.new(ip, netmask)
+ local pcs, err
+ if type(ip) == 'string' then
+ pcs, err = parse6(ip)
+ if pcs == nil then
+ return nil, err
+ end
+ if not netmask then
+ netmask = err
+ end
+ elseif type(ip) == 'table' then
+ pcs = { ip[1], ip[2], ip[3], ip[4],
+ ip[5], ip[6], ip[7], ip[8] }
+ if not netmask then
+ netmask = 128
+ end
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ local r = setmetatable({
+ pcs = pcs,
+ mask = netmask,
+ }, inet6)
+ -- ensure that the result is balanced
+ if not r:is_balanced() then
+ r:balance()
+ return nil, tostring(r)..' unbalanced'
+ end
+ return r
+-- each ipv6 address is stored as eight pieces
+-- 1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888
+-- in the table pcs.
+function inet6:is_balanced()
+ local pcs = self.pcs
+ local i = 8
+ for i=i,8 do
+ local piece = pcs[i]
+ if piece < 0 or piece > 0xffff then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+function inet6:balance(quick)
+ local pcs = self.pcs
+ local i = 8
+ while i > 1 do
+ if quick and pcs[i] > 0 then
+ break
+ end
+ while pcs[i] < 0 do
+ pcs[i] = pcs[i] + 0x10000
+ pcs[i-1] = pcs[i-1] - 1
+ end
+ i = i - 1
+ end
+ i = 8
+ while i > 1 do
+ local extra = rshift(pcs[i], 16)
+ if quick and extra == 0 then
+ break
+ end
+ pcs[i] = band(pcs[i], 0xffff)
+ pcs[i-1] = pcs[i-1] + extra
+ i = i - 1
+ end
+ pcs[1] = band(pcs[1], 0xffff)
+ return self
+local function tostr6(self, withmask)
+ -- return human readable
+ local pcs = self.pcs
+ local zeros = {}
+ -- count zero clusters
+ local first_zero = 0
+ local prev_was_zero = false
+ for i=1,#pcs do
+ if pcs[i] == 0 then
+ if prev_was_zero then
+ zeros[first_zero] = zeros[first_zero] + 1
+ else
+ first_zero = i
+ zeros[first_zero] = 1
+ end
+ prev_was_zero = true
+ else
+ prev_was_zero = false
+ end
+ end
+ -- find the largest zero cluster
+ local zeros_begin = nil
+ local zeros_cnt = 0
+ for begin,cnt in pairs(zeros) do
+ if cnt > zeros_cnt then
+ zeros_begin = begin
+ zeros_cnt = cnt
+ end
+ end
+ -- format ipv6 address
+ local out = ''
+ local i = 1
+ while i <= 8 do
+ if i == zeros_begin then
+ if i > 1 then
+ out = out .. ':'
+ else
+ out = out .. '::'
+ end
+ i = i + zeros_cnt
+ else
+ local p = pcs[i]
+ local hexdigits = string.format('%x', p)
+ out = out .. hexdigits
+ if i ~= 8 then
+ out = out .. ':'
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ local mask = self.mask
+ if (mask == nil or mask == 128 or withmask == false) and withmask ~= true then
+ return out
+ else
+ return string.format('%s/%d', out, mask)
+ end
+function inet6:__tostring()
+ return tostr6(self)
+function inet6:ipstring()
+ return tostr6(self, false)
+function inet6:cidrstring()
+ return tostr6(self, true)
+function inet6:clone()
+ return inet6.new(self.pcs, self.mask)
+function inet6:__eq(other)
+ if self.mask ~= other.mask then
+ return false
+ end
+ local spcs = self.pcs
+ local opcs = other.pcs
+ for i=1,8 do
+ if spcs[i] ~= opcs[i] then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+function inet6:__div(n)
+ return inet6.new(self.pcs, n)
+function inet6:__pow(n)
+ return inet6.new(self.pcs, self.mask + n)
+function inet6:__add(n)
+ local new = self:clone()
+ local pcs = new.pcs
+ pcs[8] = pcs[8] + n
+ new:balance(true)
+ return new
+function inet6:__sub(n)
+ return self + (n*-1)
+function inet6:network()
+ local netbits = self.mask
+ local pcs = self.pcs
+ local newpcs = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+ for i=1,8 do
+ if netbits >= i*16 then
+ newpcs[i] = pcs[i]
+ elseif netbits <= (i-1)*16 then
+ break -- the rest is already zero
+ else
+ local netbitsleft = 16-(netbits-((i-1)*16))
+ newpcs[i] = pcs[i] >> netbitsleft << netbitsleft
+ end
+ end
+ return inet6.new(newpcs, netbits)
+function inet6:flip()
+ -- find twin by flipping the last network bit
+ local mask = self.mask
+ if mask == 0 then return nil end
+ local block = (mask >> 4)+1
+ local maskbits = mask & 0xf
+ local bitno = 16 - maskbits
+ if bitno == 16 then
+ block = block - 1
+ bitno = 0
+ end
+ local flipbit = 1 << bitno
+ local r = self:clone()
+ local val = r.pcs[block]
+ r.pcs[block] = r.pcs[block] ~ flipbit
+ --print(mask, block, maskbits, bitno, flipbit, self, r:balance())
+ return r
+function inet6:__mul(n)
+ local new = self:clone()
+ local mask = new.mask
+ local pcs = new.pcs
+ local netbitoverflow = mask % 16
+ local netbitremainder = (128-mask) % 16
+ local p = (mask - netbitoverflow) / 16
+ if netbitremainder ~= 0 then
+ p = p + 1
+ end
+ local was_negative = false
+ if n < 0 then
+ n = n * -1
+ was_negative = true
+ end
+ local shiftet = lshift(n, netbitremainder)
+ local high_shift = rshift(shiftet, 16)
+ local low_shift = band(shiftet, 0xffff)
+ --print(p, netbitoverflow, hex(shiftet), hex(high_shift), hex(low_shift))
+ if was_negative then
+ high_shift = -high_shift
+ low_shift = -low_shift
+ end
+ if p > 2 then
+ pcs[p-1] = pcs[p-1] + high_shift
+ end
+ pcs[p] = pcs[p] + low_shift
+ new:balance()
+ -- print(mask % 8)
+ return new
+return inet.new
diff --git a/lua/inet/set.lua b/lua/inet/set.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..effb0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/inet/set.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+local M = {}
+local function table_compact(t, n)
+ -- remove nil entries, and reorder
+ local i = 0
+ for j=1,n do
+ if t[j] then
+ if i > 0 then
+ t[i] = t[j]
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ elseif i == 0 then
+ i = j
+ end
+ end
+ if i > 0 then
+ for j=i,n do
+ t[j] = nil
+ end
+ end
+function M.aggregate(t)
+ local flag = true
+ local n = #t
+ for i=1,n do
+ t[i] = t[i]:network()
+ end
+ while flag do -- loop until no aggregatable addresses are found
+ flag = false
+ for i=1,n do
+ local ia = t[i]
+ if ia then
+ local ib = ia:flip() -- counterpart
+ for j=1,n do
+ if j ~= i and t[j] == ib then
+ -- counterpart found, aggregating
+ t[i] = (ia ^ -1):network()
+ t[j] = nil
+ flag = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table_compact(t, n)
+return M
diff --git a/test.lua b/test.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e02345f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lem
+package.path = './?/init.lua;'..package.path..';./lua/?.lua;./lua/?/init.lua;./?.lua'
+package.cpath = package.cpath..';./lua/?.so'
+local test = require 'test'
diff --git a/test/all.lua b/test/all.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ee056a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/all.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+local all = require('test').new()
+return all
diff --git a/test/inet.lua b/test/inet.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43432cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inet.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+local inet = require 'inet'
+local test = require 'test'
+local function parse(addr)
+ local ret, err = inet(addr)
+ assert(ret, (err or '')..' '..addr)
+ return ret, err
+local function dontparse(...)
+ test.fail(parse, ...)
+return test.new(function()
+ -- parsing
+ parse('1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8')
+ parse('::1/33')
+ parse('1::/33')
+ parse('1:2:3:4:5:6:7::/33')
+ parse('::2:3:4:5:6:7:8/33')
+ parse('2a03:5440:1010::80/64')
+ dontparse('::1::/33')
+ dontparse('::1/33a')
+ dontparse('::1/150')
+ dontparse('1:2:3:4::2:3:4:5:6:7:8/33')
+ assert(tostring(parse('1:0:0:1::/64') * 1) == '1:0:0:2::/64')
+ assert(tostring(parse('1::/64') * 5 / 32 * 3) == '1:3:0:5::/32')
+ assert(tostring(parse('5::64') / 32 * -3) == '4:fffd::64/32')
+ assert(tostring(parse('2::/32') ^ 1) == '2::/33')
+ assert(tostring(parse('2::/32') ^ -1) == '2::/31')
+ assert(tostring(parse('2::/128') * 5) == '2::5')
+ assert(tostring(parse('2::/49') - 1)
+ == '1:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff/49')
+ assert(tostring(parse('2::/49') - 1 + 2) == '2::1/49')
+ assert(tostring(parse('1:ffff:ffff:fe00::/56') * 2) == '2::/56')
+ assert(tostring(parse('1:ffff:ffff:fe00::/56') * 2 * -2)
+ == '1:ffff:ffff:fe00::/56')
+ local ip = inet('')
+ assert(ip == nil)
+ local ip = inet('')
+ assert(type(ip) == 'table')
+ assert(#ip == 24, 'incorrect netmask')
+ assert(tostring(ip) == '', 'not human readable')
+ assert(inet('') == inet(''))
+ assert(inet('') ~= inet(''))
+ assert(tostring(ip+1) == '', 'ip adding is broken')
+ assert(tostring(ip+9-1) == '', 'ip subtract is broken')
+ assert(tostring(ip*1) == '', 'ip multiplification is broken')
+ assert(tostring(ip/8) == '', 'ip division is broken')
+ assert(tostring(ip^1) == '', 'ip power is broken')
+ -- test inet4.__lt
+ assert(inet('') > inet(''), 'inet less than is broken')
+ assert(not (inet('') > inet('')), 'inet less than is broken')
+ assert(inet('') >= inet(''), 'inet less than is broken')
+ assert(inet('') <= inet(''), 'inet less than is broken')
+ assert(inet('') < inet(''), 'inet less than is broken')
+ assert(not (inet('') < inet('')), 'inet less than is broken')
+ assert(not (inet('') < inet('')), 'inet less than is broken')
+ assert(not (inet('') < inet('')), 'inet less than is broken')
+ -- test inet4.__le
+ assert(inet('') <= inet(''))
+ assert(not (inet('') <= inet('')))
+ assert(inet(''):netmask() == inet(''))
+ -- test inet*.__eq
+ assert(inet('') == inet(''), 'inet4 eq is broken')
+ assert(inet('') ~= inet(''), 'inet4 eq is broken')
+ assert(inet('') ~= inet(''), 'inet4 eq is broken')
+ assert(inet('::1') == inet('::1'), 'inet6 eq is broken')
+ assert(inet('::1') ~= inet('::2'), 'inet6 eq is broken')
+ assert(inet('::1/64') ~= inet('::1/56'), 'inet6 eq is broken')
+ -- test inet*.ipstring
+ assert((ip+1):ipstring() == '', 'ip4 string is broken')
+ assert(inet('::1/64'):ipstring() == '::1', 'ip6 string is broken')
+ -- test inet*.network
+ assert(inet(''):network() == inet(''), 'inet4.network() is broken')
+ assert(inet('1::2/64'):network() == inet('1::/64'), 'inet6.network() is broken')
+ local ip = inet('ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff/62')
+ assert((ip/22):network() == inet('ffff:fc00::/22'), 'inet6.network() is broken')
+ assert((ip/27):network() == inet('ffff:ffe0::/27'), 'inet6.network() is broken')
+ --- test inet4:flip
+ assert(inet(''):flip() == inet(''), 'inet.flip() is broken')
+ assert(inet(''):flip() == inet(''), 'inet.flip() is broken')
+ assert(inet(''):flip():flip() == inet(''), 'inet.flip() is broken')
+ assert(inet(''):flip() == inet(''))
+ assert(inet(''):flip() == inet(''))
+ assert(inet(''):flip() == inet(''))
+ assert(inet(''):flip() == nil)
+ local ips = {
+ inet('::'),
+ inet('ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff'),
+ }
+ assert(inet('::/0'):flip() == nil)
+ assert(inet('::1/32'):flip() == inet('0:1::1/32'))
+ assert(inet('::1/48'):flip() == inet('0:0:1::1/48'))
+ for i=1,#ips do
+ local ip = ips[i]
+ for j=1,128 do
+ local foo = ip / j
+ local bar = foo:flip()
+ assert(foo ~= bar)
+ assert(foo == bar:flip())
+ end
+ end
+ -- TODO inet6.__le
+ -- TODO inet6.__eq
diff --git a/test/inet_set.lua b/test/inet_set.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..044de09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/inet_set.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+local inet = require 'inet'
+local inet_set = require 'inet.set'
+local test = require 'test'
+local inspect = require 'inspect'
+function agg_set(a, b)
+ inet_set.aggregate(a)
+ assert(#a == #b, 'wrong set size')
+ for i=1,#a do
+ --print(a[i], b[i])
+ assert(a[i] == b[i], 'unexpected network')
+ end
+return test.new(function()
+ local ip = inet('')
+ agg_set({
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ }, {
+ inet(''),
+ })
+ agg_set({
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ }, {
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ })
+ agg_set({
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ }, {
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ })
+ agg_set({
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ }, {
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ })
+ agg_set({
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ }, {
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ inet(''),
+ })
+ agg_set({
+ inet('::/32'),
+ inet('0:1::/32'),
+ }, {
+ inet('::/31'),
+ })
diff --git a/test/init.lua b/test/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a4e05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+local utils = require 'lem.utils'
+local updatenow = utils.updatenow
+local pack = table.pack
+local unpack = table.unpack
+local format = string.format
+local master
+local function test_assert(v, msg, ...)
+ if not v then
+ error(msg or 'assertion failed!', 2)
+ end
+ master.assert_cnt = master.assert_cnt + 1
+ return v, msg, ...
+local function msg_handler(msg)
+ local trace = debug.traceback(msg, 4)
+ return trace
+ --return string.match(trace, '^(.-)\n[^\n]-tester_cut_traceback_here')
+local test = {}
+test.__index = test
+function test:enter()
+ self.prev_test = master.activetest
+ master.activetest = self
+ self.real_assert = assert
+ _ENV.assert = test_assert
+function test:leave()
+ master.activetest = self.prev_test
+ self.prev_test = nil
+ _ENV.assert = self.real_assert
+ self.real_assert = nil
+function test:depend(t)
+ if type(t) == 'string' then
+ t = require('test.'..t)
+ end
+ table.insert(self.dependencies, t)
+local function tester_cut_traceback_here(self)
+ local deps = self.dependencies
+ for i=1,#deps do
+ local dep = deps[i]
+ dep:run()
+ end
+ if self.test then
+ self:test()
+ end
+local function tester(...)
+ -- hack due to the first function called by xpcall
+ -- not being refered to by name in tracebacks
+ local ret, msg = tester_cut_traceback_here(...)
+ return ret, msg
+function test:run()
+ if master == nil then
+ self:setmaster()
+ end
+ if master.have_run[self] then
+ return self.passed -- TODO return previous result
+ end
+ self:enter()
+ local t1, t2
+ t1 = updatenow()
+ local ret, msg = xpcall(tester, msg_handler, self)
+ t2 = updatenow()
+ self.runtime = t2 - t1
+ self:leave()
+ if not ret then
+ self.error_msg = msg
+ end
+ master.have_run[self] = true
+ self.passed = ret
+ master.run = master.run + 1
+ if ret then
+ master.passed = master.passed + 1
+ else
+ table.insert(master.failed, self)
+ end
+ return ret
+function test:setmaster()
+ assert(master == nil, 'master already set')
+ master = {
+ test = self,
+ assert_cnt = 0,
+ have_run = {},
+ passed = 0,
+ run = 0,
+ failed = {},
+ }
+function test:reset()
+ if self ~= master.test then
+ error('you can only run reset on current master task')
+ end
+ master = nil
+local function new_test(func)
+ local src = debug.getinfo(func or 2, 'S').short_src
+ return setmetatable({
+ test = func,
+ dependencies = {},
+ source = src,
+ }, test)
+function test:stats()
+ if self ~= master.test then
+ error('you can only run stats on current master task')
+ end
+ local run, passed, asserts = master.run, master.passed, master.assert_cnt
+ if run == passed then
+ print(format('%d/%d All tests passed, %d assertions in %.3fs',
+ run, passed, asserts, master.test.runtime))
+ else
+ print(format('%d/%d %d failed', run, passed, run-passed))
+ end
+function test:failed()
+ if self ~= master.test then
+ error('you can only run stats on current master task')
+ end
+ for i=1,#master.failed do
+ local t = master.failed[i]
+ print(t.error_msg)
+ end
+local function assert_fail(cb, ...)
+ local ret = pack(pcall(cb, ...))
+ if ret[1] then assert(false, 'doomed function succeeded') end
+ return unpack(ret)
+local M = {}
+function M.test()
+ local index = require 'test.all'
+ index:run()
+ index:stats()
+ index:failed()
+M.new = new_test
+M.fail = assert_fail
+return M