path: root/lem/http.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'lem/http.lua')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/lem/http.lua b/lem/http.lua
index 1f972a9..c758430 100644
--- a/lem/http.lua
+++ b/lem/http.lua
@@ -16,86 +16,13 @@
-- License along with LEM. If not, see <>.
-local io = require ''
-local http = require 'lem.http.core'
+local http = require 'lem.http.core'
+local parsers = require 'lem.parsers'
- local parsers = require 'lem.parsers'
- parsers.lookup['HTTPRequest'] = http.HTTPRequest
- http.HTTPRequest = nil
- parsers.lookup['HTTPResponse'] = http.HTTPResponse
- http.HTTPResponse = nil
-local tonumber = tonumber
-local concat = table.concat
-function http.Request:body()
- local len, body = self.headers['content-length'], ''
- if not len then return body end
- len = tonumber(len)
- if len <= 0 then return body end
- if self.headers['expect'] == '100-continue' then
- local ok, err = self.client:write('HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n')
- if not ok then return nil, err end
- end
- local err
- body, err = self.client:read(len)
- if not body then return nil, err end
- return body
-function http.Response:body_chunked()
- local client = self.client
- local t, n = {}, 0
- local line, err
- while true do
- line, err = client:read('*l')
- if not line then return nil, err end
- local num = tonumber(line, 16)
- if not num then return nil, 'expectation failed' end
- if num == 0 then break end
- local data, err = client:read(num)
- if not data then return nil, err end
- n = n + 1
- t[n] = data
- line, err = client:read('*l')
- if not line then return nil, err end
- end
- line, err = client:read('*l')
- if not line then return nil, err end
- return concat(t)
-function http.Response:body()
- if self.headers['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked' then
- return self:body_chunked()
- end
- local num = self.headers['content-length']
- if not num then
- if self.headers['connection'] == 'close' then
- return self.client:read('*a')
- end
- return nil, 'no content length specified'
- end
- num = tonumber(num)
- if not num then return nil, 'invalid content length' end
- return self.client:read(num)
+parsers.lookup['HTTPRequest'] = http.HTTPRequest
+http.HTTPRequest = nil
+parsers.lookup['HTTPResponse'] = http.HTTPResponse
+http.HTTPResponse = nil
return http