local core = require 'inet.core' local is_inet = core.is_inet local insert = table.insert local remove = table.remove local sort = table.sort local M = {} local function table_compact(t, n) -- remove nil entries, and reorder local i = 0 for j=1,n do if t[j] then if i > 0 then t[i] = t[j] i = i + 1 end elseif i == 0 then i = j end end if i > 0 then for j=i,n do t[j] = nil end end end function M.aggregate(t) local flag = true local n = #t for i=1,n do t[i] = t[i]:network() end while flag do -- loop until no aggregatable addresses are found flag = false for i=1,n do local ia = t[i] if ia then local ib = ia:flip() -- counterpart for j=1,n do if j ~= i then if ia == t[j] then -- duplicate found t[j] = nil flag = true elseif t[j] == ib then -- counterpart found, aggregating t[i] = (ia ^ -1):network() t[j] = nil flag = true end end end end end end table_compact(t, n) end local function has(set, addr) assert(set) for i=1,#set do local elem = set[i] if elem >= addr then local exclude = set.exclude if exclude then return not has(exclude, addr) else return true end end end return false end function M.iterator(set) local excl = set.exclude local i = 1 if #set < 1 then return nil, 'empty set' end local addr = set[i] local net = set[i]:network() local function iter() if not addr then return end local ret ret = addr/32 addr = addr + 1 if addr:network() ~= net then i = i + 1 addr = set[i] if addr then net = set[i]:network() end end if has(excl, ret) then return iter() end return ret end return iter end -- iterate over the set repeatedly function M.loopiterator(set) local orig_iter = M.iterator(set) local function iter() local addr = orig_iter() if not addr then orig_iter = M.iterator(set) addr = orig_iter() end return addr end return iter end local inet_set = {} inet_set.__index = inet_set local function check_net(self, net) if not is_inet(net) then return nil, 'invalid net' end local set_fam = self.family local net_fam = net:family() if set_fam then if set_fam ~= net_fam then return nil, 'invalid family' end else self.family = net_fam end return true end function inet_set:add(net)--, aggregate) if not check_net(self, net) then return check_net(self, net) end insert(self.nets, net) M.aggregate(self.nets) return true end function inet_set:remove(net) if not check_net(self, net) then return check_net(self, net) end local nets = self.nets local ret = false for i=1,#nets do local n = nets[i] if n == net then ret = true remove(nets, i) elseif n:contains(net) then ret = true remove(nets, i) for j=#n+1,#net do local sn = (net / j):network() if sn:contains(net) then sn = sn:flip() end self:add(sn) end end end return ret end function inet_set:contains(net) if not check_net(self, net) then return check_net(self, net) end local nets = self.nets for i=1,#nets do local n = nets[i] if n == net or n:contains(net) then return true end end return false end function inet_set:list() local nets = self.nets sort(nets) return nets end function inet_set:flush() self.nets = {} self.family = nil return true end local function new_set() return setmetatable({ nets = {}, }, inet_set) end M.new = new_set return M