========================================= ``inet`` - an IP address mangling library ========================================= ``inet`` is meant to make it fun to do IP address calculations. :: local inet = require 'inet' -- get first address of the 3rd /64 in a /56 inet('2001:db8::/56') / 64 * 3 + 1 -- returns inet('2001:db8:0:3::1/64') -- get last /64 in a /56 inet('2001:db8::/56') * 1 / 64 * -1 -- returns inet('2001:db8:0:ff::/64') Dependencies ============ - Lua_ version 5.2 or 5.3 - LPeg_ - Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua API === ``inet`` module --------------- ======================= ===================================================== API Description ======================= ===================================================== ``inet(...)`` Parse address and build ``inet4`` or ``inet6`` table ``inet.is(foo)`` is ``foo`` an ``inet*`` table? ``inet.is4(foo)`` is ``foo`` an ``inet4`` table? ``inet.is6(foo)`` is ``foo`` an ``inet6`` table? ``inet.is_set(foo)`` is ``set`` table? ``inet.set()`` get new empty ``set`` instance. ``inet.mixed_networks`` IPv6 mixed notation ``set`` ``inet.version`` API version (currently ``1``) ======================= ===================================================== IPv6 mixed notation configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``inet.mixed_networks`` can be used to configure which IPv6 networks should use mixed notation, ie. last 32 bits formatted as IPv4, as per `RFC 5952`_ section 5. Initially the set only contains the well-known ``::ffff:`` network. Common ``inet*`` API -------------------- ================= ====================================== Operator Description ================= ====================================== ``+`` Addition ``-`` Subtract ``/`` Change mask (absolute) ``^`` Change mask (relative) ``*`` Move network ``<`` is less than ``<=`` is less than or equal ``==`` equals ``>=`` is greater or equal ``>`` is greater than ``~=`` not equals ``#`` number of network bits ``:contains()`` contains ``:network()`` extract network part of address ``tostring(net)`` convert to network ``:ipstring()`` ip as string without prefix ``:cidrstring()`` format CIDR notation ``:netmask()`` generate netmask as address ``:flip()`` flip the least significant network bit ================= ====================================== Additional ``inet6`` methods ----------------------------- inet6 has these additional methods: ================ ===================================== Operator Description ================ ===================================== ``:ipstring4()`` string formatted in mixed notation ``:ipstring6()`` string formatted in standard notation ================ ===================================== ``set`` API ----------- ================== ================================= API Description ================== ================================= ``set:list()`` list networks in set ``set:add()`` add network to set ``set:remove()`` remove network from set ``set:contains()`` is network contained in set? ``set:flush()`` empty the set ================== ================================= Creating -------- There is a multitude of different ways to create ``inet*`` instances. :: -- IPv4 inet('') -- returns inet('') inet('', 24) -- returns inet('') inet({192,0,2,0}, 24) -- returns inet('') inet(3221225985, 32) -- returns inet('') -- IPv6 inet('2001:db8::') -- returns inet('2001:db8::/128') inet('2001:db8::', 56) -- returns inet('2001:db8::/56') -- its possible to wrap inet instances inet(inet('')) -- returns inet('') inet(inet('2001:db8::')) -- returns inet('2001:db8::') -- when wrapped additional mask takes precedence inet(inet(''), 24) -- returns inet('') inet(inet('2001:db8::/128'), 64) -- returns inet('2001:db8::/64') -- various error examples inet('', 32) -- returns nil, 'multiple masks supplied' inet('2001:db8::/64', 56) -- returns nil, 'multiple masks supplied' inet('foobar') -- returns nil, 'parse error' inet('foo::bar') -- returns nil, 'parse error' inet('', 33) -- returns nil, 'invalid mask' inet('2001:db8::', 129) -- returns nil, 'invalid mask' Mangling -------- All of the ``inet*`` mangling operators and methods returns a new instance, and does not modify the original instance. ``foo + bar`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Addition :: inet('2001:db8::/64') + 5 -- returns inet('2001:db8::5/64') --inet('::ffff:') + inet('') -- returns inet('') ``foo - bar`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subtract :: inet('2001:db8::5/64') - 5 -- returns inet('2001:db8::/64') --inet('2001:db8::5/64') - inet('2001:db8::') -- returns 5 ``foo / bar`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change mask (absolute) :: inet('2001:db8::/32') / 64 -- returns inet('2001:db8::/64') inet('2001:db8::1/32') / 64 -- returns inet('2001:db8::1/64') ``foo ^ bar`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change mask (relative) :: inet('2001:db8::/64') ^ -8 -- returns inet('2001:db8::/56') inet('2001:db8::2/48') ^ 8 -- returns inet('2001:db8::2/56') ``foo * bar`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Move network :: inet('2001:db8::/64') * 1 -- returns inet('2001:db8:0:1::/64') inet('2001:db8:1::/64') * -16 -- returns inet('2001:db8:0:fff0::/64') ``foo:network()`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reset the host bits. :: inet(''):network() -- returns inet('') ``foo:netmask()`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Build an IP address mask with the netmask of ``foo``. :: inet(''):netmask() -- returns inet('') ``foo:flip()`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flip the least significant network bit, to find the complimentary network. :: inet(''):flip() -- returns inet('') inet(''):flip() -- returns inet('') inet(''):flip() -- returns inet('') Tests ----- ``<``, ``<=``, ``>=`` and ``>`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Compares ``inet`` instances according to the sort order. :: inet('') < inet('') -- returns true inet('') < inet('') -- returns true inet('') < inet('') -- returns true ``==`` and ``~=`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Checks if two ``inet`` instances are of the same family, address and mask, or not. :: inet('') == inet('') -- returns true inet('') ~= inet('') -- returns false inet('') == inet('') -- returns false inet('') == inet('') -- returns false inet('') == inet('2001:db8::') -- returns false ``#foo`` ~~~~~~~~ Returns the amount of significant network bits. :: #inet('') -- returns 24 #inet('2001:db8::/48') -- returns 48 ``foo:contains(bar)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``:contains()`` tests for subnet inclusion. It considers only the network parts of the two addresses, ignoring any host part, and determine whether one network part is a subnet of the other. :: inet(''):contains(inet('')) -- returns true inet(''):contains(inet('')) -- returns true inet(''):contains(inet('')) -- returns false inet(''):contains(inet('')) -- returns false Text representation ------------------- ``inet6`` implements `RFC 5952`_ providing a standardized textual representation of IPv6 addresses. ``tostring(foo)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ String representation of ``foo``. If ``foo`` represents a host address, then just the address is returned, otherwise CIDR notation is used. :: tostring(inet('')) -- returns '' tostring(inet('')) -- returns '' For IPv6, if the network is contained by ``inet.mixed_networks``, then mixed notation is used. ``foo:cidrstring(foo)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like ``tostring(foo)``, but always return the address in CIDR notation, as specified in `RFC 4632`_. :: inet(''):cidrstring() -- returns '' ``foo:ipstring()`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like ``tostring(foo)``, but always just return the IP address. :: inet(''):ipstring() -- returns '' ``foo:ipstring4()`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like ``foo:ipstring()``, but always uses mixed notation. ``foo:ipstring6()`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like ``tostring(foo)``, but never uses mixed notation. Sets ---- :: local foo = inet.set() ``set:list()`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ list networks in set :: foo:list() -- returns {} ``set:add(foo)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add network to set :: foo:add(inet('2001:db8::/48')) -- returns true foo:list() -- returns { inet('2001:db8::/48') } foo:add(inet('2001:db8:1::/48')) -- returns true foo:list() -- returns { inet('2001:db8::/47') } foo:add(inet('')) -- returns nil, 'invalid family' ``set:remove(foo)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ remove network from set :: foo:remove(inet('2001:db8:1::/48')) -- returns true foo:remove(inet('2001:db8:1::/48')) -- returns false foo:list() -- returns { inet('2001:db8::/48') } foo:remove(inet('2001:db8:0:4200::/56')) -- returns true foo:list() -- returns { inet('2001:db8::/50'), inet('2001:db8:0:4000::/55'), inet('2001:db8:0:4300::/56'), inet('2001:db8:0:4400::/54'), inet('2001:db8:0:4800::/53'), inet('2001:db8:0:5000::/52'), inet('2001:db8:0:6000::/51'), inet('2001:db8:0:8000::/49'), } ``set:contains(foo)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ is network contained in set? :: foo:contains(inet('2001:db8::')) -- returns true foo:contains(inet('2001:db8::/32')) -- returns false foo:contains(inet('2001:db8:1:2:3:4:5:6')) -- returns false ``set:flush()`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Empties the set. :: foo:flush() -- returns true foo:list() -- returns {} History ======= * ``inet`` was brewed in Labitat_ in late 2014. * Since then it has been battle-tested in production at the danish ISP Fiberby_. * In July 2019 ``inet`` was finally polished up and released to the world. License ======= This project is licensed under `GNU Lesser General Public License version 3`_ or later. .. _Labitat: https://labitat.dk/ .. _Fiberby: https://peeringdb.com/asn/42541 .. _Lua: http://www.lua.org/ .. _LPeg: http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/ .. _RFC 4632: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4632 .. _RFC 5952: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952 .. _GNU Lesser General Public License version 3: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html