path: root/lem/http/response.lua
diff options
authorEmil Renner Berthing <>2013-08-19 01:10:11 +0200
committerEmil Renner Berthing <>2013-08-21 22:25:33 +0200
commite7f888ccadce6ec68a6da783282bb342785d763d (patch)
treea8670cf3cf2a07f1050e58701c07160f0652e151 /lem/http/response.lua
parent0a26f4881e863aa1f12dbe5d2c1bb11e24c5ad7c (diff)
http: factor out response module
Diffstat (limited to 'lem/http/response.lua')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lem/http/response.lua b/lem/http/response.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..460c09e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lem/http/response.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+-- This file is part of LEM, a Lua Event Machine.
+-- Copyright 2011-2013 Emil Renner Berthing
+-- Copyright 2013 Halfdan Mouritzen
+-- LEM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+-- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+-- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+-- the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+-- LEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+-- License along with LEM. If not, see <>.
+local setmetatable = setmetatable
+local tostring = tostring
+local tonumber = tonumber
+local pairs = pairs
+local type = type
+local date =
+local format = string.format
+local concat = table.concat
+local remove = table.remove
+local M = {}
+local status_string = {
+ -- 1xx Informational
+ [100] = '100 Continue',
+ [101] = '101 Switching Protocols',
+ [102] = '102 Processing', -- WebDAV
+ -- 2xx Success
+ [200] = '200 OK',
+ [201] = '201 Created',
+ [202] = '202 Accepted',
+ [203] = '203 Non-Authoritative Information',
+ [204] = '204 No Content',
+ [205] = '205 Reset Content',
+ [206] = '206 Partial Content',
+ [207] = '207 Multi-Status', -- WebDAV
+ [208] = '208 Already Reported', -- WebDAV
+ [226] = '226 IM Used',
+ [230] = '230 Authentication Successfull',
+ -- 3xx Redirection
+ [300] = '300 Multiple Choices',
+ [301] = '301 Moved Permanently',
+ [302] = '302 Found',
+ [303] = '303 See Other',
+ [304] = '304 Not Modified',
+ [305] = '305 Use Proxy',
+ [306] = '306 Switch Proxy',
+ [307] = '307 Temporary Redirect',
+ [308] = '308 Permanent Redirect',
+ -- 4xx Client Error
+ [400] = '400 Bad Request',
+ [401] = '401 Unauthorized',
+ [402] = '402 Payment Required',
+ [403] = '403 Forbidden',
+ [404] = '404 Not Found',
+ [405] = '405 Method Not Allowed',
+ [406] = '406 Not Acceptable',
+ [407] = '407 Proxy Authentication Required',
+ [408] = '408 Request Timeout',
+ [409] = '409 Conflict',
+ [410] = '410 Gone',
+ [411] = '411 Length Required',
+ [412] = '412 Precondition Failed',
+ [413] = '413 Request Entity Too Large',
+ [414] = '414 Request-URI Too Long',
+ [415] = '415 Unsupported Media Type',
+ [416] = '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
+ [417] = '417 Expectation Failed',
+ -- ...
+ [422] = '422 Unprocessable Entity', -- WebDAV
+ [423] = '423 Locked', -- WebDAV
+ [424] = '424 Failed Dependency', -- WebDAV
+ -- ...
+ [426] = '426 Upgrade Required',
+ [428] = '428 Precondition Required',
+ [429] = '429 Too Many Requests',
+ [431] = '431 Request Header Fields Too Large',
+ -- 5xx Server Error
+ [500] = '500 Internal Server Error',
+ [501] = '501 Not Implemented',
+ [502] = '502 Bad Gateway',
+ [503] = '503 Service Unavailable',
+ [504] = '504 Gateway Timeout',
+ [505] = '505 HTTP Version Not Supported',
+ [506] = '506 Variant Also Negotiates',
+ [507] = '507 Insufficient Storage', -- WebDAV
+ [508] = '508 Loop Detected', -- WebDAV
+ -- ...
+ [510] = '510 Not Extended',
+ [511] = '511 Network Authentication Required',
+ [531] = '531 Access Denied',
+M.status_string = status_string
+function M.not_found(req, res)
+ if req.headers['expect'] ~= '100-continue' then
+ req:body()
+ end
+ res.status = 404
+ res.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
+ res:add([[
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
+<title>Not Found</title>
+<h1>Not found</h1>
+function M.htmlerror(num, text)
+ local str = format([[
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
+]], text, text)
+ return function(req, res)
+ res.status = num
+ res.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
+ res.headers['Connection'] = 'close'
+ res:add(str)
+ end
+M.method_not_allowed = M.htmlerror(405, 'Method Not Allowed')
+M.expectation_failed = M.htmlerror(417, 'Expectation Failed')
+M.version_not_supported = M.htmlerror(505, 'HTTP Version Not Supported')
+M.bad_request = M.htmlerror(400, 'Bad Request')
+local Response = {}
+Response.__index = Response
+M.Response = Response
+function Response:contentlength()
+ local len = 0
+ for i = 1, #self do
+ len = len + #self[i]
+ end
+ return len
+function Response:appendheader(rope, i, size)
+ if not size then size = 0 end
+ local line
+ for k, v in pairs(self.headers) do
+ line = format('%s: %s\r\n', k, tostring(v))
+ i = i + 1
+ rope[i] = line
+ size = size + #line
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ rope[i] = '\r\n'
+ size = size + 2
+ return i, size
+function Response:appendbody(rope, i, size)
+ if not size then size = 0 end
+ local chunk
+ for j = 1, #self do
+ chunk = self[j]
+ i = i + 1
+ rope[i] = chunk
+ size = size + #chunk
+ end
+ return i, size
+ local n = 0
+ return setmetatable({
+ headers = {},
+ version = req and req.version or nil,
+ add = function(self, fmt, first, ...)
+ n = n + 1
+ if first then
+ self[n] = format(fmt, first, ...)
+ else
+ self[n] = fmt
+ end
+ end
+ }, Response)
+return M
+-- vim: ts=2 sw=2 noet: