#!/usr/bin/env lem -- -- This file is part of blipserver. -- Copyright 2011 Emil Renner Berthing -- -- blipserver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of -- the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- blipserver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with blipserver. If not, see . -- local function usage() print('Labitrack daemon') print('usage: '..arg[0]..' [bind [queue_dir]]') print('defaults: bind=*:8080 queue_dir=./queue') os.exit(1) end -- -- settings -- local pg_connect_str = 'host=localhost user=labitrack dbname=labitrack password=nerfyoawdAj3' local bind = arg[1] or '*:8080' local queue_dir = arg[2] or './queue' -- -- end of settings -- local bind_colon = string.find(bind, ':', 1, true) if bind_colon == nil then usage() end local bind_addr = string.sub(bind, 1, bind_colon-1) local bind_port = tonumber(string.sub(bind, bind_colon+1)) local utils = require 'lem.utils' local io = require 'lem.io' local postgres = require 'lem.postgres' local qpostgres = require 'lem.postgres.queued' local hathaway = require 'lem.hathaway' local json = require 'dkjson' local base64 = require 'base64' local filequeue = require 'filequeue' local assert = assert local format = string.format local tonumber = tonumber local function sendfile(content, path) return function(req, res) res.headers['Content-Type'] = content res.file = path end end local function sendfile_js(path) return sendfile('text/javascript; charset=UTF-8', path) end local function sendfile_css(path) return sendfile('text/css; charset=UTF-8', path) end local function deserialize_array_from_pg(pgarray) local ret, rc = {}, 0 if pgarray == nil then return ret end local strlen = string.len(pgarray) if strlen <= 2 then return ret end local n = 0 for i = 2, strlen-1 do if i > n then rc = rc + 1 n = string.find(pgarray, ',', i) if n == nil then n = strlen end ret[rc] = string.sub(pgarray, i, n-1) end end return ret end local function add_json_row(res, values, i) local n = #values if n > 0 then local clen = #values[0] local point = values[i] local d = {} for j = 1, clen do local k = values[0][j] local v = point[j] if k == nil then elseif k == 'id' then d[k] = tonumber(v) elseif k == 'created' then d[k] = tonumber(v) elseif k == 'updated' then d[k] = tonumber(v) elseif not (k == 'tags') then d[k] = v else d[k] = deserialize_array_from_pg(v) end end res:add('%s', json.encode(d)) end end local function add_json(res, values) local n = #values res:add('[') if n > 0 then for i = 1, n do add_json_row(res, values, i) if not (i == n) then res:add(',') end end end res:add(']') end local function set_json_nocache_headers(res) res.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' res.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=0, must-revalidate' end local function unescape(s) s = string.gsub(s, "+", " ") s = string.gsub(s, "%%(%x%x)", function (h) return string.char(tonumber(h, 16)) end) return s end -- Connect to database and prepare statements local db = assert(qpostgres.connect(pg_connect_str)) local cols = 'id, name, "desc", tags, extract(epoch from created)::int8 created, extract(epoch from updated)::int8 updated' assert(db:prepare('get', 'SELECT '..cols..' FROM objects WHERE id = $1')) assert(db:prepare('recent', 'SELECT '..cols..' FROM objects ORDER BY updated DESC LIMIT 10;')) assert(db:prepare('since', 'SELECT '..cols..' FROM objects ORDER BY id LIMIT 10 OFFSET $1;')) assert(db:prepare('insert', 'INSERT INTO objects (name, "desc", tags) VALUES ($1, $2, string_to_array($3, \',\')::text[]) RETURNING id;')) assert(db:prepare('update', 'UPDATE objects SET name=$2, "desc"=$3, tags=string_to_array($4, \',\')::text[], updated=now() WHERE id = $1;')) assert(db:prepare('count', 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM objects;')) assert(db:prepare('search', 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT row_number() over (order by rank desc, updated desc) as rn, * FROM (SELECT count(*) over () as cnt, '..cols..', ts_rank_cd(textsearch, query) AS rank FROM objects, to_tsquery($1) query WHERE query @@ textsearch) ss1) ss2 where rn between $2+1 and $2+10;')) assert(db:prepare('search_plain', 'SELECT plainto_tsquery($1);')) local function count() return assert(db:run('count'))[1][1] end -- initialize queue local queue = filequeue.open(queue_dir) hathaway.import() local htmlpage = sendfile('text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'pub/index.html') GET('/', htmlpage) GET('/browse', htmlpage) GETM('^/browse/page/%d+$', htmlpage) GET('/recent', htmlpage) GET('/about', htmlpage) GETM('^/view/%d+$', htmlpage) GETM('^/edit/%d+$', htmlpage) GET('/search', htmlpage) GETM('^/search/', htmlpage) GET('/js/corelibs.min.js', sendfile_js('js/dist/corelibs.min.js')) GET('/js/corelibs.src.js', sendfile_js('js/dist/corelibs.src.js')) GET('/js/qrcode.min.js', sendfile_js('js/dist/qrcode.min.js')) GET('/js/labitrack.min.js', sendfile_js('js/dist/labitrack.min.js')) GET('/js/labitrack.src.js', sendfile_js('js/dist/labitrack.src.js')) GET('/js/templates.js', sendfile_js('templates/dist/labitrack.min.js')) GET('/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css', sendfile_css('pub/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css')) GET('/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css', sendfile_css('pub/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css')) GET('/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.css', sendfile_css('pub/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.css')) GET('/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css', sendfile_css('pub/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css')) GET('/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png', sendfile_css('pub/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png')) GET('/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings.png', sendfile_css('pub/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings.png')) GET('/css/labitrack.css', sendfile_css('css/dist/labitrack.min.css')) GET('/favicon.ico', sendfile('image/x-icon', 'pub/favicon.ico')) GETM('^/browse/(%d+).json$', function(req, res, since) set_json_nocache_headers(res) res:add('{"count": %d, "objects":', count()); add_json(res, assert(db:run('since', (since-1)*10))) res:add('}'); end) local function urldecode(str) return str:gsub('+', ' '):gsub('%%(%x%x)', function (str) return string.char(tonumber(str, 16)) end) end local function parse_qs(str) local t = {} for k, v in str:gmatch('([^&]+)=([^&]*)') do t[urldecode(k)] = urldecode(v) end return t end GETM('^/search.json%??(.*)$', function(req, res, rawqs) set_json_nocache_headers(res) qs = parse_qs(rawqs) q = qs['q'] if q == nil then q = '' end offset = qs['offset'] if offset == nil then offset = 0 end _, result = pcall(db.run, db, 'search', q, offset) if result == nil then q = assert(db:run('search_plain', q))[1][1] result = assert(db:run('search', q, offset)) end local n = #result if n > 0 then cols = #result[0] setmetatable(result[0], { __len = function(op) return cols end }) result[0][1] = nil result[0][2] = nil cnt = result[1][2] res:add('{"count": %d, "offset": %d, "query": %s, "objects":', cnt, offset, json.encode(q)); add_json(res, result) res:add('}'); else res:add('{"count": 0, "offset": 0, "query": %s}', json.encode(q)); end end) GET('/queue.json', function(req, res) set_json_nocache_headers(res) res:add('%s', json.encode(queue:stat())) end) GET('/queue.json?empty', function(req, res) set_json_nocache_headers(res) res:add('%s', json.encode(queue:empty())) end) GET('/recent.json', function(req, res) set_json_nocache_headers(res) add_json(res, assert(db:run('recent'))) end) local function unescape(s) s = string.gsub(s, "+", " ") s = string.gsub(s, "%%(%x%x)", function (h) return string.char(tonumber(h, 16)) end) return s end local function save_or_update(req, res) set_json_nocache_headers(res) local expected = "application/json" assert(string.sub(req.headers['Content-Type'], 1, string.len(expected)) == expected) local body = req:body() local label = json.decode(body) local id if label['id'] == nil then id = assert(db:run('insert', label['name'], label['desc'], table.concat(label['tags'], ',')))[1][1] else assert(db:run('update', label['id'], label['name'], label['desc'], table.concat(label['tags'], ','))) id = label['id'] end res:add('{"id": %d}', id) end POST('/o', save_or_update) PUTM('^/o/(%d+).json$', save_or_update) GETM('^/o/(%d+).json$', function(req, res, id) set_json_nocache_headers(res) qr = db:run('get', id) if #qr == 0 then res.status = 404 else add_json_row(res, qr, 1) end end) POST('/print.json', function(req, res) set_json_nocache_headers(res) local expected = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" assert(string.sub(req.headers['Content-Type'], 1, string.len(expected)) == expected) local body = unescape(req:body()) expected = "image=data:image/png;base64," local expected_len = string.len(expected) assert(string.sub(body, 1, expected_len) == expected) image = base64.dec(string.sub(body, expected_len+1)) local qi = queue:new() local outfile = qi:open("wb") outfile:write(image) outfile:close() qi:queue(); res:add('["%s"]', 'OK') end) hathaway.debug = print assert(Hathaway(bind_addr, bind_port)) -- vim: syntax=lua ts=2 sw=2 noet: