#!/usr/bin/env python import radiusd import hashlib import re USERS = '/etc/raddb/mods-config/files/authorize' REXP = re.compile('^([^ ]+) ASSHA-Password := "(.*)"$') def authorize(p): #radiusd.radlog(radiusd.L_INFO, '*** radlog call in authorize ***') reply = ( ('Reply-Message', 'Welcome to Labitat!'), ) config = ( ('Auth-Type', 'python'), ) return (radiusd.RLM_MODULE_OK, reply, config) def load_users(): users = {} with open(USERS) as fp: for line in fp: match = REXP.match(line) if match: users[match.group(1)] = match.group(2) return users def check_pwd(user, pw): users = load_users() if user not in users: return False assha = users[user] crypted = assha[:40] salt = assha[40:] h = hashlib.sha1('--%s--%s--' % (salt, pw)).hexdigest() return h == crypted def authenticate(p): #radiusd.radlog(radiusd.L_INFO, '*** radlog call in authenticate *** ') user = None pw = None for (attr, value) in p: if attr == 'User-Name': user = value if attr == 'User-Password': pw = value # check password if user != None and pw != None and check_pwd(user, pw): return radiusd.RLM_MODULE_OK return radiusd.RLM_MODULE_REJECT