# # BIRD 2 configuration for AS205235 Labitat # log syslog all; #debug protocols all; debug protocols { events, states }; watchdog warning 5 s; watchdog timeout 30 s; timeformat base iso long; timeformat log iso long; timeformat protocol iso long; timeformat route iso long; router id; # functions and filters define local_asn = 205235; define fiberby_asn = 42541; define asbjorn_asn = 207727; define graffen_asn = 209616; define local_prefixes_v4 = [,, ]; define local_prefixes_v6 = [ 2a01:4262:1ab::/48, 2a10:2a80:ac::/48, 2a10:2a80:1ab::/48, 2001:678:15c::/48 ]; define asbjorn_prefixes_v4 = [, ]; define asbjorn_prefixes_v6 = [ 2a10:2a80:ac::/48, 2a10:2a80:1ab::/48 ]; define graffen_prefixes_v6 = [ 2001:678:15c::/48 ]; # functions and filters function is_default_route() { case net.type { NET_IP4: if net = then return true; NET_IP6: if net = ::/0 then return true; } return false; } function is_customer_route() { case net.type { NET_IP4: if net ~ local_prefixes_v4 then return true; NET_IP6: if net ~ local_prefixes_v6 then return true; } return false; } filter kernel_export { if source !~ [ RTS_BGP, RTS_STATIC ] then reject; if is_default_route() then accept; if is_customer_route() then accept; reject; } function honor_graceful_shutdown() { # RFC 8326 Graceful BGP Session Shutdown if (65535, 0) ~ bgp_community then { bgp_local_pref = 0; } } filter transit_import { honor_graceful_shutdown(); accept; } filter transit_export { if is_customer_route() then accept; reject; } # generate local routes protocol static static4 { ipv4; route unreachable; } protocol static static6 { ipv6; route 2a01:4262:1ab::/48 unreachable; } # customer import function customer_import(int peer_asn; prefix set peer_prefixes) { if net !~ peer_prefixes then reject; if bgp_path.first != peer_asn then reject; accept; } # customer export functions function customer_export_default_only() { if !is_default_route() then reject; accept; } function customer_export_dfz() { if source !~ [ RTS_BGP, RTS_STATIC ] then reject; if is_default_route() then reject; accept; } function customer_export_and_default() { if is_default_route() then { customer_export_default_only(); } else { customer_export_dfz(); } } # define basic protocols protocol device {} protocol direct { ipv4; ipv6; } protocol kernel kernel4 { ipv4 { import none; export filter kernel_export; }; learn; persist; graceful restart; merge paths; } protocol kernel kernel6 { ipv6 { import none; export filter kernel_export; }; learn; persist; graceful restart; merge paths; } # templates template bgp bgp_customer { default bgp_local_pref 150; } template bgp bgp_transit_v4 { default bgp_local_pref 100; ipv4 { import limit off; receive limit off; import keep filtered on; import filter transit_import; export filter transit_export; }; } template bgp bgp_transit_v6 { default bgp_local_pref 100; ipv6 { import limit off; receive limit off; import keep filtered on; import filter transit_import; export filter transit_export; }; } # Transit protocol bgp fiberby_tgc_v4 from bgp_transit_v4 { local as local_asn; neighbor as fiberby_asn; } protocol bgp fiberby_inx_v4 from bgp_transit_v4 { local as local_asn; neighbor as fiberby_asn; } protocol bgp fiberby_tgc_v6 from bgp_transit_v6 { local 2a03:5440:1:2935:1ab:1::2 as local_asn; neighbor 2a03:5440:1:2935:1ab:1::1 as fiberby_asn; } protocol bgp fiberby_inx_v6 from bgp_transit_v6 { local 2a03:5440:1:2935:1ab:2::2 as local_asn; neighbor 2a03:5440:1:2935:1ab:2::1 as fiberby_asn; } # BGP customer: asbjorn protocol bgp asbjorn_ipv4 from bgp_customer { local as local_asn; neighbor as asbjorn_asn; ipv4 { import limit 10 action block; receive limit 20 action disable; import keep filtered on; import filter { customer_import(asbjorn_asn, asbjorn_prefixes_v4); }; export filter { customer_export_default_only(); }; }; } protocol bgp asbjorn_ipv6 from bgp_customer { local 2a01:4262:1ab:20::1 as local_asn; neighbor 2a01:4262:1ab:20::75 as asbjorn_asn; ipv6 { import limit 10 action block; receive limit 20 action disable; import keep filtered on; import filter { customer_import(asbjorn_asn, asbjorn_prefixes_v6); }; export filter { customer_export_default_only(); }; }; } # BGP customer: graffen protocol bgp graffen_ipv6 from bgp_customer { local 2a01:4262:1ab:20::1 as local_asn; neighbor 2a01:4262:1ab:20::78 as graffen_asn; ipv6 { import limit 10 action block; receive limit 20 action disable; import keep filtered on; import filter { customer_import(graffen_asn, graffen_prefixes_v6); }; export filter { customer_export_dfz(); }; }; }