--- - name: Create private host keys copy: dest: '/etc/ssh/{{ item.key }}' content: '{{ item.value.private }}' owner: root group: ssh_keys mode: 0640 with_dict: '{{ ssh_host_keys[hostname] }}' loop_control: label: '/etc/ssh/{{ item.key }}' when: ssh_host_keys is defined and hostname in ssh_host_keys - name: Create public host keys copy: dest: '/etc/ssh/{{ item.key }}.pub' content: '{{ item.value.public }}' owner: root group: root mode: 0644 with_dict: '{{ ssh_host_keys[hostname] }}' loop_control: label: '/etc/ssh/{{ item.key }}.pub' when: ssh_host_keys is defined and hostname in ssh_host_keys - name: Configure SSH daemon lineinfile: path: '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' regexp: '{{ item.regexp }}' line: '{{ item.line }}' with_items: - regexp: '^[# ]*PermitRootLogin' line: 'PermitRootLogin no' - regexp: '^[# ]*PasswordAuthentication' line: 'PasswordAuthentication no' - regexp: '^[# ]*GSSAPIAuthentication' line: 'GSSAPIAuthentication no' notify: restart sshd - name: Enable SSH daemon systemd: name: ssh.service enabled: yes masked: no state: started when: not chroot - name: '- when in chroot' command: systemctl enable ssh.service when: chroot|bool # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et: